How did CRYSTAL BLISS come about?

My name: Monique Hendrikx

The well-being of people, animals  is central to me.  My connection with nature is profound.

I have received my training as a natural Medicine therapist in Utrecht .  I realized during this course that everything starts with how you eat and how you treat your body.  

"YOUR BODY IS YOUR TEMPLE"                              

I learned the knowledge of aromatherapy at the training school in Meppel.

Through many wanderings I finally ended up in Altea.   

The mineral store On the Rocks in Altea I learned and felt that energy, frequency of minerals can do a lot on a physical, mental and emotional level.

Everything that lives on this earth consists of oxygen water and minerals and everything has its own vibrational level. (Frequency, Hertz) So are people, animal-life, sea-life, insects and plant-life.                            That is why Earth's DNA is found in diversity of minerals.

This sense of minerals has evolved to work with minerals in massage. It's  also a special combination of working intuitively with energy. Harmonize, balancing the naturel flow of the Chakras.

Holistic massage therapy, stimulates the body's  rest and relax nervous system, it counters both physical and mental stresses. 

Also provide nutritional tips and advice on healthy eating habits.